Author: admin
[KBTV] KIM & BAE Partners, interview on “Lawsuit against Caffebene” – KBTV 2018.11.26
KIM & BAE Partners, B. J. Kim and Christine Bae, interview regarding a lawsuit against Caffebene by Korean IT company Innoas on KBTV on 11.26.2018
Jay Park
사회생활의 첫걸음 아직도 한손에 비행기 티켓을 들고 가족들과 인사를 나누던 모습이 머릿속에 생생한데 벌써 인턴쉽의 마지막날이 되었습니다. 6개월이 기간이 짧다면 짧지만, 김&배에서 보내고 쌓았던 추억과 경험은 그 무엇과도 비교할 수 없을 만큼 값진 시간이였습니다. 시차적응이 되지 않아 비몽사몽인 상태로 첫 사회생활을 향해 내딧던 발걸음은 많이 긴장되고 떨렸던건지 왠지 모르게 가볍지는 않았었던 것 같습니다. 비비안과장님이랑 첫날 […]
[Kim & Bae News] Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in New York appointed Kim & Bae as their advisory counsel
Ambassador Hyo Sung Park, the Consul General at Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in New York, has appointed Kim & Bae as their advisory counsel on August 24th, 2018. The term of advisory counsel will be one-year-long (09/01/2018 – 08/31/2018) and they are to give legal advises for the rights of compatriot. – […]
[The International Taekwondo Times] KTAD appointed B. J. Kim, the partner of Kim & Bae, P.C., as their Legal Advisor.
KTAD (Korea Taekwondo Association for the Disabled, Yong-Gab Chang, Chairman) has appointed B. J. Kim, the partner of Kim & Bae, P.C. which is a certified law-firm by Republic of Korea Judiciary, as their Legal Advisor. Kim is currently serving as Legal Advisor of Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in New York. He […]
Bo-ah Lee
Starting from the first week of my internship, I was warmly welcomed and fortunate enough to become part of Kim & Bae’s litigation team. I was very excited because I had, and still have, great interest in becoming a good litigator. Assisting the litigation team, I worked on more cases than I had expected and […]