Category: Support & Charity
Attorney Christine Bae, Talks Giving Back to Kids in Need in Exclusive Interview with ULFN News
In a recent interview with ULFN News, Christine Bae opened up about her heartfelt mission to support children in need. Through her charitable efforts, Christine has been spreading joy by providing Christmas gifts and essentials to underprivileged kids. The interview highlighted her ongoing commitment to making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate, […]
Attorney Christine Bae, Featured in Woman’s World Magazine – One Mom’s Generosity Brings Joy to Kids in Community
December 14, 2024 Christine Shared Christmas Spirit by Giving She led a heartwarming event during the Christmas season, where the community came together. Christine, along with several neighbor mothers and her kids gathered together to wrap gifts for kids in need. Through her efforts, Christine not only spread joy to local kids but also reminded […]
Bringing Holiday Cheer to Local Children in Need
The holiday season has always been a time for giving, and for Christine Bae, partner at Kim and Bae Law Firm and a mom of two, this year was no different. Inspired by the love and joy she experiences with her own children, she decided to take that holiday spirit one step further by organizing […]
[한국일보] 장애 어린이들에 ‘크리스마스 선물’
December 21, 2021 배문경·김봉준 변호사 부부 등 뉴저지 노우드 한인들 NJID에 1,100개 선물상자 전달 사진: 김봉준(왼쪽부터)배문경 변호사 부부가 자택에서 뉴저지 장애아동지원기관 NJID관계자들에게 크리스마스 선물 1,100여 상자를 전달하며 자리를 함께했다. 배문경·김봉준 변호사 부부 등 뉴저지 노우드의 한인들이 장애 등 어려운 환경 속에 있는 뉴저지 어린이들에게 1,100상자가 넘는 크리스마스 선물을 기부해 화제다. 이들 부부는 13일 뉴저지 장애아동 […]