Author: admin

  • Myung Kim

    My short time at Kim & Bae has been filled with nothing but opportunities to grow and learn. During my internship period, I was able to observe the inner workings of a law firm and personally see all the hard works required to keep things moving along smoothly. The wonderful attorneys, paralegals, and other members […]


  • Iris Lee

    My experience being an intern at Kim & Bae was an eye opening and educationally invigorating experience. During my time here I was fortunate enough to experience a plethora of legal, analytical, and social growth that can be attributed to the willingness of attorneys and staff alike to aid in my learning experience. Attorneys were […]


  • Jun Sung Ma

    김&배 로펌에서 보낸 6개월은 제 인생에서 정말 값진 경험이었습니다. 해외에서 거주해본 경험이 없었고 로펌에서 일해본 적이 없었던 저에게 처음 한 달은 미국의 문화에 적응하고 회사 업무에 적응하느라 정말 바쁘고 힘든 시기였습니다. 김봉준 변호사님께 혼나기도 하면서 내 능력이 이것밖에 안되나 하는 자괴감도 들었습니다. 그러나 이렇게 힘들게 보냈던 한 달이 지금은 저에게 아주 좋은 자양분이 되었다는 생각이 […]


  • [Korea Daily] The First Asian to Become Bergen County Ethics Committee Chairman

  • [Korea Times] Bong June Kim, Bergen County Ethics Committee Chair