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Family claims mother suffered severe injuries at Buckingham Care and Rehabilitation Center in New Jersey
By Christine Sloan January 30, 2023 / 6:35 PM EST / CBS New York HACKENSACK, N.J. — A New Jersey family is seeking answers after they say their loved one was rushed to the hospital after suffering severe injuries at a Bergen County nursing home. CBS2 saw a picture of Jung Ja Chun last year and then […]
Alex Kwon
An internship at Kim & Bae P.C. was a great opportunity to learn how things are going on in a law firm. Translating Korean real estate entries, I have acquired understanding of how to properly code-switch legal terminology between two countries, the U.S. and Korea. This was a unique experience where I got a lot […]
[한국일보] 장애 어린이들에 ‘크리스마스 선물’
December 21, 2021 배문경·김봉준 변호사 부부 등 뉴저지 노우드 한인들 NJID에 1,100개 선물상자 전달 사진: 김봉준(왼쪽부터)배문경 변호사 부부가 자택에서 뉴저지 장애아동지원기관 NJID관계자들에게 크리스마스 선물 1,100여 상자를 전달하며 자리를 함께했다. 배문경·김봉준 변호사 부부 등 뉴저지 노우드의 한인들이 장애 등 어려운 환경 속에 있는 뉴저지 어린이들에게 1,100상자가 넘는 크리스마스 선물을 기부해 화제다. 이들 부부는 13일 뉴저지 장애아동 […]
[] Family buys toy store inventory to give to needy kids
When a toy store liquidated, this New Jersey family bought 3,000 gifts for needy kids December 18, 2021 See article When Christine Bae learned that one of her favorite knick-knack stores at the Garden State Plaza mall was going out of business last year, her charitable instincts kicked in. She and her husband bought […]
Joseph Choi
My 2021 summer internship at Kim & Bae has taught me a great deal both professionally and personally — invaluable lessons that will serve me well in the future. Whether it was daily lunches with the other interns and lawyers here, conducting extensive legal research for various types of cases, or sitting in on meetings […]