Category: Our Pride & Joy

  • Megan Lee

    My summer internship with Kim & Bae has been an extraordinary opportunity for me. I feel so fortunate that everyone in the office had the patience to allow me to ask many questions, despite their busy schedules. Since I am new to the law office setting, I really appreciate that those individuals who gave me […]


  • Darya Molotkova

    The weeks I’ve spent at Kim & Bae have been educational, eye-opening, and filled with opportunity and excitement. The team of attorneys and professionals was extremely welcoming and supportive; I was always encouraged to ask questions and I always had someone to turn to if I needed assistance. I felt like I was truly part […]


  • Ethan Lee

    This summer at Kim and Bae, I experience many valuable work and life lessons. Throughout my internship, I not only had the opportunity to learn how office life works, but also had the opportunity to interact with the amazing staff of Kim and Bae. I had the pleasure of collaborating and working alongside my fellow […]


  • Iris Lee

    This summer I had the pleasure of interning at Kim & Bae for a second time and once again I am walking away with an invaluable experience and a plethora of knowledge and skills that has further prepared me not only in a professional sense, but more broadly for life. During my internship period I […]


  • Jay Park

    사회생활의 첫걸음 아직도 한손에 비행기 티켓을 들고 가족들과 인사를 나누던 모습이 머릿속에 생생한데 벌써 인턴쉽의 마지막날이 되었습니다. 6개월이 기간이 짧다면 짧지만, 김&배에서 보내고 쌓았던 추억과 경험은 그 무엇과도 비교할 수 없을 만큼 값진 시간이였습니다. 시차적응이 되지 않아 비몽사몽인 상태로 첫 사회생활을 향해 내딧던 발걸음은 많이 긴장되고 떨렸던건지 왠지 모르게 가볍지는 않았었던 것 같습니다. 비비안과장님이랑 첫날 […]